
About Mimbar Academy

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So far Mimbar Academy has created 2 blog entries.

New Sister Facility


Salam, Ramadan Kareem, Just a quick update on Mimbar Academy's sister's facility for Taraweeh. Alhamdulillah, this year, we managed to secure a unit at 12 Remus Road, which is just behind the existing Academy at 71 Smeed Road. Insha Allah, we will be providing facilities for sisters who are interested to join us for Taraweeh. Please make sure to make Wudhu at home as there is no Wudhu facilities available yet. Please also bring a prayer mat with you. There is carpet, which is a bit light, but please also bring a prayer mat with you when you come to [...]

New Sister Facility2024-03-10T16:21:52+00:00

Ramadan: A Spiritual Revival


Human beings are on constant changing modes. One of the most important parts of the body is the heart which is known as “Qalb” in Arabic. The word Qalb is connected with “Taqallub” which means to turn something around completely. This heart or Qalb goes through incredible amounts of change and transition in life. There are some moments, occasions and places which can definitely influence and inspire this heart of a human being to a specific direction. Our origin is Allah and our return is to Allah which is an undeniable fact. Hence, a human’s direction must be towards his [...]

Ramadan: A Spiritual Revival2023-12-23T11:27:16+00:00
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